Winner of the Nexus Award

Guide Business Owners on Their Journey to Have a World-Class Life While Running a World-Class Company. Become a Strategic Catipult Coach.

Discover Catipult in 30 Minutes!

This program was very straightforward and delivered my first client just six weeks after I invested, for a 9x ROI. I haven’t seen anything like that. They really do focus on helping coaches find and meet the needs of business owners.
Dean VanDyke

Executive Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Portland

I was so impressed with the 21 hours of material, the software and the scope of the offering for coaches, I left my other program and decided to focus on recruiting and mentoring coaches into the Catipult system.
Peter Lawson

CPA, Author, Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Sydney Australia.

Within a week of joining Catipult, I had brought a client onboard, winning their business away from another very popular business system. Catipult’s focus on KPIs and rhythm won them over, securing me an immediate 7X ROI in a week.

Elizabeth Parker

Executive Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Charolette, NC.

We get you ready to meet a market that values time back from coaching more than time spent, so you can enjoy these benefits…

Time Back

The market we serve values the time coaching can save for them more than the time spent on coaching. We maximize your value and reduce your client time to only 50 hours.

Higher Revenue

On average, it takes only nine clients and 450 hours per year of coaching time to earn $350,000.

Competitive Advantage

Coaches flooded the market after COVID. You need to differentiate now more than ever. Operating on a next-generation software platform gives you that edge.

business coach training

Freedom to be You

Other coaching programs in this space require you to only use their intellectual property. We’re just the opposite. You be you and let our structure help you be yourself.


End the loneliness of coaching and join with a community of others who are growing their practices, sharing ideas and helping each other.

Business Growth

We’ll partner with you to build your practice.  Metrics, workshops, introductions, and even some leads from Catipult will help you create the practice you want.

Watch the story of two coaches

Discover why coaches come to Catipult. Some even come over from other systems to enjoy the focus that Catipult brings.

What Does Catipult Help You Do?

Catipult’s body of work is founded on the Rockefeller Habits. These ten habits were created by John Rockefeller, the famous entrepreneur and one of the wealthiest persons in world history.

We are considered by many to be the “next evolution” of companies that help owners implement this structure.

This is a $20 billion (+) market that’s quickly growing. The owners who are reaching for solutions like Catipult are goal-oriented, driven and appreciative of outside help to forward their objectives.

Our training gets you into this market quickly.

start with you
start with you

What Does Catipult Help You Do?

Catipult’s body of work is founded on the Rockefeller Habits. These ten habits were created by John Rockefeller, the famous entrepreneur and one of the wealthiest persons in world history.

We are considered by many to be the “next evolution” of companies that help owners implement this structure.

This is a $20 billion (+) market that’s quickly growing. The owners who are reaching for solutions like Catipult are goal-oriented, driven and appreciative of outside help to forward their objectives.

Our training gets you into this market quickly.

business planning

How is the Catipult System Different?

Catipult is different in three primary areas:


Business Planning to Meet Objectives

Our process starts with your client’s goals and then bends the business plan to meet those objectives. We’ll train you to implement this process. It doesn’t take long, but it is eye-opening and powerful.


Software that Defines KPIs

Our software defines the KPIs a business owner needs to focus on to achieve their goals. With software as your tool, you’re able to build a strategic plan in minutes and then spend your time working with the client to determine ways to achieve their plan.


Implement Habits Instantly

Our software implements all 10 habits instantly. Other solutions claim to take years to get a company operating on all ten habits. Not so with Catipult. We train you on all of these concepts.

Here are a few of the many concepts you’ll learn in our in-depth, 22-hour course

Outcome Statement Creation and Coaching

The most powerful statement in the world is the Outcome Statement. “The year is and I am…” This statement is the foundation of your work with your clients. You’ll learn how to craft the best outcome statements with your clients.

The Magic Six KPIs

There are six key performance indicators (KPIs) that run every single company in the world. Most don’t know what they are, but when they find out, they radically change their company. We’ll reveal the Magic Core Six and the formulas behind each.

The Logic Behind Razor

Our coaching program (the one you implement with clients) is called Razor. It’s the fastest system there is because we get the brain to solve only for “the deltas,” the difference between the target performance and actual performance. We train you on this speed, so you can do more in less time.

The Seven Business Drivers

You’ll learn the Seven Business Drivers and how our software categorizes KPIs into each driver automatically. You’ll then learn how to use those drivers as a coaching tool that can nudge people toward the most profitable actions.

Here are a few of the many concepts you’ll learn in our in-depth, 22-hour course

Outcome Statement Creation and Coaching

The most powerful statement in the world is the Outcome Statement. “The year is and I am…” This statement is the foundation of your work with your clients. You’ll learn how to craft the best outcome statements with your clients.

The Magic Six KPIs

There are six key performance indicators (KPIs) that run every single company in the world. Most don’t know what they are, but when they find out, they radically change their company. We’ll reveal the Magic Core Six and the formulas behind each.

The Logic Behind Razor

Our coaching program (the one you implement with clients) is called Razor. It’s the fastest system there is because we get the brain to solve only for “the deltas,” the difference between the target performance and actual performance. We train you on this speed, so you can do more in less time.

The Seven Business Drivers

You’ll learn the Seven Business Drivers and how our software categorizes KPIs into each driver automatically. You’ll then learn how to use those drivers as a coaching tool that can nudge people toward the most profitable actions.

How do I get started with Catipult?

Catipult is very selective with the coaches it certifies. We found that the best coaches we have brought into Catipult immediately knew this was for them and made their decision quickly and didn’t look back. That said, we understand that prior commitments may necessitate a slower path for some….and we’d rather have great coaches engaged at their own pace than not engaged. To that end, we have three levels: Foundation, Certification, and Practice Builder.

Take the First Step

Take the first step in living the lifestyle you want. Business owners need you and are seeking this coaching. Invest in yourself so you can invest in others. Discover the Catipult access points below and then hit the Start Your Journey button to discover Catipult in just 30 minutes!

Foundation Level

Choose this level if you want to take the first step without fully committing to building a practice or using it with clients.

  • Choose this level if you want to take the first step without fully committing to building a practice or using it with clients.
  • Full access to the coaching version of the Catipult software, which builds strategic plans that are also the coaching plans you’ll use.
  • Full access to the coaching version of the Catipult software, which builds strategic plans that are also the coaching plans you’ll use.
  • More than 200 KPIs
  • Basic training
  • More than 400 pages of tools and content.
  • Private Slack Channel Community with other coaches.
  • Anytime, no-hassle upgrade.
  • Affiliate program access.


Certification Level

Choose this level if you want to bring Catipult to your existing clients but do not want help building a practice.

  • Everything from the Foundation Level.
  • World-Class Company presentation training.
  • Access to promotional videos for your practice.
  • Access to customer testimonial videos for your practice.
  • Complete access to Catipult Rhythm Implementation.
  • Dedicated certification training sessions.
  • Certification test.
  • Announcement on social media.
  • Listing on the Catipult website.
  • 70-page advanced strategic planner.
  • Community of coaches.
  • Anytime, no-hassle upgrade to the Practice Builder.
  • Affiliate program access.
  • Complete billing support for your Catipult clients.
  • Invitation to attend our annual in-person conferences.

$4995 One Time Payment
Then $495/month.

Practice Builder Level

The ultimate package for coaches who want to build robust practices.

*Available only to certified coaches.

  • Everything in the Foundation and Certification Levels.
  • Inclusion in a cohort that starts every six weeks.
  • A complete system for building your practice and attracting clients, including KPIs and action items to get you going. 
  • Sales playbook.
  • CRM access (only $49/month)
  • (2) optional roundtables with business owners who want to hear about Catipult and world-class companies. (May require a small co-investment.)
  • Support in gaining access to affiliate groups like Vistage International.
  • A special affiliate program designed to help you build your practice.
  • Sales presentations for end-clients and coach recruiting.
  • Fun practice building contests with other coaches.

Click Below to Apply

Learn More

I’m Aida,’s virtual coach. Let me take you on a journey to learn more about the Catipult system!

strategic planning software
client centric prospecting

Catipult Executive Library

Customer Centric Prospecting

Discover how to sell without selling by using the Catipult platform as a mirror to what your prospect needs.
Download this white paper now.