Catipult Foundations for Coaches

All the features a coach wants, plus access to our Foundations Level Course and a simple upgrade path to become a Catipult coach.
Get It Now For Just $495/Month

This program was very straightforward and delivered my first client just six weeks after I invested, for a 9x ROI. I haven’t seen anything like that. They really do focus on helping coaches find and meet the needs of business owners.

Dean VanDyke

Executive Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Portland, OR.

I was so impressed with the 21 hours of material, the software and the scope of the offering for coaches, I left my other program and decided to focus on recruiting and mentoring coaches into the Catipult system.
Peter Lawson

CPA, Author, Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Sydney Australia.

Within a week of joining Catipult, I had brought a client onboard, winning their business away from another very popular business system. Catipult’s focus on KPIs and rhythm won them over, securing me an immediate 7X ROI in a week.

Elizabeth Parker

Executive Coach and Catipult Certified Coach, Charolette, NC.

The only software that is both a coaching system for you and a world-class operating structure for your clients. All you need is Catipult.

More Time Back

Catipult software automatically creates a complete strategic plan for your clients that is also a coaching plan for you. Deadlines, accountabilities, meetings…all done for you in just minutes.

Practice Management

Manage all of your clients’ plans, set up their companies, group meetings and 1:1s. It’s all here, and more.


Catipult has access to its robust community of coaches built-in to the software. You won’t be alone.

business coach training

Practice Expansion

Add masterminds and peer boards to your practice through Catipult’s easy-to-use features and pre-created, rebrandable mastermind material.

Multi-Level Training

Catipult includes a massive training portal built-in. Choose to just learn, be certified, or build an entire practice with Catipult. It’s all in the software. *In-app upgrade required.

Unbelievable Lead-Generation

Catipult gives you an unbeatable edge over other coaches. Because Catipult is software, you can give it away for free to business owners for thirty days and then walk them through the plan it generates for them. Send it out to five, ten, or 1,000 prospects or use it at workshops. You’ll be the hero and likely candidate for any coaching contract. *In-app upgrade required.

Once your plan is in the system,
Catipult takes it from there.

How Does Catipult Work for Coaches?

We surveyed coaches and discovered that 60% of their time spent “coaching” was actually spent on delivering coaching services, not actually coaching. Strategic plan development, KPI research, managing assignments to clients, sending e-mails and meeting recaps, and marketing for new clients were among the list of necessary time robbers.

We built a platform that wipes out most of those in seconds, so you can be a coach. Catipult delivers a KPI-based plan, the initial action items to achieve it with due dates, pre-loaded meetings and more. What used to take you days is now delivered to you and your client in just minutes.

catipult meetings
catipult meetings

How Does Catipult Work for Coaches?

We surveyed coaches and discovered that 60% of their time spent “coaching” was actually spent on delivering coaching services, not actually coaching. Strategic plan development, KPI research, managing assignments to clients, sending e-mails and meeting recaps, and marketing for new clients were among the list of necessary time robers.

We built a platform that wipes out most of those in seconds, so you can be a coach. Catipult delivers a KPI-based plan, the initial action items to achieve it with due dates, pre-loaded meetings and more. What used to take you days is now delivered to you and your client in just minutes.

catipult wheel

How is Catipult Software Different?

Catipult brings focus. Extreme focus. Catipult can be a tool you use with your clients to manage a custom plan you develop for them or it can be a razor-focused guide that you implement. If using the latter, Catipult will help you implement the wheel to the left for your clients, starting with their personal objectives.

Its simple, easy-to-use user interface is not cluttered with features that owners and coaches won’t use. The entire system is designed to focus on only the metrics that matter and the plan to achieve them. Focus breeds speed. Speed of delivery gets you more time back.

What Does the Catipult System Replace?

KPI-Filled Spreadsheets

Stop with the spreadsheets filled with KPIs! The clunky, archaic methods of data-storing aren’t easily actionable or communicated through your company.

Strategic Plans on PowerPoint

Companies can’t run on PowerPoint and your strategic plan shouldn’t be there, either. Catipult’s plan gives you the KPIs you need, lets you add your own, and lets you assign owners to action items and much more.

PDF VTOs and Other Things

Easily transfer your three-year outcome, mission, vision, value statements, meetings and scorecard, and align your “rocks” under the strategic KPIs you’ll see in Catipult.

Wasted Meeting Time - 60% reduction

Yes, we replace those, too. Catipult meeting functionality structures your meetings for speed and accountability. The image to the left shows a Catipult customer running their executive team meeting on Catipult. It’s all built-in.

Unnecessary Management by E-Mail

Team check-ins, status updates, and notes pertaining to projects are all stored in Catipult and out of e-mail. As a coach, you can communicate directly in meetings or on every single KPI. Clients receive notifications to go into the system and see your comments.

strategic planning kpi tablet
strategic planning kpi tablet

What Does the Catipult System Replace?

KPI-Filled Spreadsheets

Stop with the spreadsheets filled with KPIs! The clunky, archaic methods of data-storing aren’t easily actionable or communicated through your company.

Strategic Plans on PowerPoint

Companies can’t run on PowerPoint and your strategic plan shouldn’t be there, either. Catipult’s plan gives you the KPIs you need, lets you add your own, and lets you assign owners to action items and much more.

PDF VTOs and Other Things

If you like EOS or Scaling Up!, port your “rocks” into the KPIs you’ll see in Cataipult and your three-year outcome, mission, vision, value statements, meetings and even a scorecard. If your rocks don’t have a KPI home, then you might rethink doing them.

Wasted Meeting Time - 60% reduction

Yes, we replace those, too. Catipult meeting functionality structures your meetings for speed and accountability. The image to the left shows a Catipult customer running their executive team meeting on Catipult. It’s all built-in.

Unnecessary Management by E-Mail

Team check-ins, status updates, and notes pertaining to projects are all stored in Catipult and out of e-mail. As a coach, you can communicate directly in meetings or on every single KPI. Clients receive notifications to go into they system and see your comments.
business coaching certification

Does Catipult Have Certifications?

Yes, we do…and much more.

Catipult has three levels of training for coaches: Foundation, Certification and Practice Builder levels. Each level is designed to meet your needs in the moment. Access to this training is in the Catipult software.

To learn more about our training and certification levels, visit the Join Us menu option in the navigation bar. You can also upgrade within the app itself.

What is our certification like?

It’s a simple process that’s self-guided with options for your growth based on your timeframe.

6 Core Features

The six core features are exactly what you need and nothing more.

industry specific KPIs


world-class alignment


catipult meeting


catipult process


business operating system


world-class habits


Only the functionality you need

Additional Features

Fully Mobile

Catipult offers full functionality on iOS and Android devices, so you and your team can run your company from anywhere.

PDF Report

Speed up your meeting prep time by pressing the “printer” icon. A PDF board-style report is automatically generated.

Issues Management

Stay out of e-mail by sending important discussion topics directly to the meeting in which they need to be discussed.

Matrix Support

Share KPIs and action items with cross-functional teams with one button.

Recorded History

View the “done” box to see a list of all action items that were completed. When in the meeting section, you can view all completed meetings, attendees and notes.

E-Mail notifications

Catipult automatically notifies team members when a KPI, action item, or issue has been assigned to them.

Catipult University

Catipult University, included for free, has 12 three-minute courses that make it easy to bring teams onto Catipult.

KPI Delegation

Easily delegate a KPI to a team member. They’ll update it on their dashboard and the updates will show up on yours.

Support & Community

Catipult includes in-app support, e-mail support and a host of videos to help your journey. We also have a community of coaches and other customers in a private Slack Channel that you can join.

“This is insanely easy. The number one problem I have – and we have as company – is tracking and moving milestones. You have it all here, in one easy dashboard, that contextualizes our KPIs, Goals and progress within the core functions that keep a company running. I can’t believe how easy and simple this is.”

Ken Thieneman

CEO, Thieneman Construction

7 business drivers

Catipult Executive Library

The 7 Business Drivers

Shift the way you think about your business.

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